Walk of Faith Media

Walk of Faith Media is a faith-based organization that offers wellness information and contemporary news through television, print, and social media. Walk of Faith Media also conducts seminars and educational series on health and disease prevention.

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Walk of Faith Media!

The newly released documentary series, America on the Precipice, originally aired on QVTV, is now available to watch right here on our site!  If you want to know what is really happening behind the scenes in our country, watch this documentary - you may be surprised by what you didn't know!  

Who We Are

Walk of Faith Media was founded in 2015 as the successor to a ministry Arnie and Susan Suntag began in 2004. The ministry originally operated under the moniker Rational Christian Ministries, based on Arnie's book, The Rational Christian.  The ministry's efforts included the development of a lifestyle center on the Big Island of Hawaii with the goal of helping to reverse the scourge of Type 2 diabetes ravaging the Hawaiian people. With Arnie's background as a corporate executive and a consultant in education, healthcare, and the IT industry, along with Susan's master's degree in educational leadership, the Suntags subsequently became involved in education. Among other efforts, in 2014 they founded a state-of-the-art school in Bisbee, Arizona with a million-dollar+ campus complete with a greenhouse and a fully integrated "dirt-to-plate" agricultural program. 

Arnie has served as a lay pastor, a minister in the state prison system, and an educator presenting health and wellness programs nationwide. Susan has served as an elementary school principal, participated in wellness and agricultural programs serving the indigent Mexican population in Naco, Sonora, and has been intricately involved in providing care for the elderly and those with disabilities. The Suntags have also served as foster parents. 

Arnie's association with QVTV (Quo Vadis Ministry), the new television ministry from the founders of Amazing Discoveries with Walter Veith, encouraged the Suntags to create a video production facility. This has enabled the creation of quality programming for use at Walk of Faith Media and QVTV. The mission for both ministries is to help a renegade society to turn its attention back to God.   

Arnie and Susan Suntag
Arnie Suntag
Arnie Suntag
Founder and President

Formerly a senior executive in the information technology and consulting fields with an educational background in the biological sciences, Arnie left the corporate world after 28 years to teach health and wellness from a Bible-based perspective. Diagnosed with serious medical challenges, he persevered through natural medicine, offering hope to those facing similar challenges. Arnie is a published author and has appeared on numerous radio and television programs. He is a presenter and board member at QVTV. He has also produced and directed documentary films. Arnie officially inaugurated Walk of Faith Media in 2015 as a means of disseminating important information about health and wellness, as well as current events that impact our daily lives.

Mobirise Website Builder
Susan Suntag
Outreach Coordinator and Director of Missions

With a master's degree in educational leadership and over 30 years of experience in both public and private education, Susan has been recognized for her accomplishments in the classroom by school superintendents and the media alike. She is state certified and possesses considerable expertise in individualized education planning and implementation. Susan has been instrumental in the development of curricula for schools as well as for wellness and other outreach programs offered by Walk of Faith Media. She is noted for creating unique hands-on educational programs that enable participants to gain practical real-life experience. Her role with Walk of Faith Media encompasses all aspects of community outreach and project planning.

Featured Videos

Are you looking for answers to the tough questions of today?  In addition to these featured videos,
be sure to check out Arnie's messages on QVTV by clicking HERE.
Babylon's Version of Eternal Life
Babylon's Version of Eternal Life - Uncensored

This is the full unedited version of the message originally on YouTube that was deleted by Google.  The truth is eye-opening! Concerns about the future of Artificial Intelligence (AI) are being echoed throughout the mainstream media every day, while the real danger lies hidden from view. What exactly are Big Tech's plans that may leave many emotionally devastated and at odds with Biblical precedent?

Ted Wilson, Tear Down This Wall!
Ted Wilson, Tear Down This Wall!

The debate over Conrad Vine’s controversial messages on the Covid mandates rolls on while countless thousands of Seventh-day Adventists still suffer with the consequences of the vaccine mandates the General Conference promoted. This pointed presentation includes an interview with Domenic and Kristi Rosina whose vax-injured son was referenced in Dr. Vine’s now legendary message in Maine.   

The Drama of Conspiracy Theories
The Drama of Conspiracy Theories

As Arnie points out in a presentation on QVTV, getting caught up in the drama of what some call conspiracy theories often robs our time and pushes a real faith in God out of the picture. It can even become an obsession. It wastes precious time and ultimately destroys credibility. How can the desire to know the real answer to troubling events be balanced so that the real truth is not abandoned in the process?

Communism vs. Christian Nationalism
Communism vs. Christian Nationalism 

During one of his appearances on Prophesy Again TV with Andrew Henriques, Arnie describes the startling phenomenon that is turning America upside down.  Serving as a prelude for his newly released documentary, America on the Precipice, the information firmly proves one disturbing fact:  the political left and the right are merely two wings of the same bird.  It is time to turn to God rather than to men.

The Tug-of-War Between Fear and Faith
The Tug-of-War Between Fear and Faith

So many who profess to have a real abiding faith in God are at the same time living in fear. What is at the root of this apparent paradox? It ultimately emboldens authoritarians to usurp personal freedoms while submerging the real truth. Can the incessant fearmongering by the complicit mainstream media be placed in perspective so that we can approach these challenges with reason instead of capitulation?

The Road to Forgiveness
The Road to Forgiveness

Christianity is not merely about attending a church and participating in various ceremonies.  The one key thing that makes Christianity more than just a moniker is the ability to forgive others.  This  message presents some startling examples of those who did exactly that, even in the face of the most challenging and extreme circumstances. You may feel you are up to the task, but what would you have actually done if you were in their shoes? 

My Life Story
My Life Story

We have all faced challenges in our lives - some more than others. But what really matters is how we turn out in the end.  This is the story of Arnie's journey.  It is a journey that covers  everything from a battle with addiction to a deadly motorcycle accident, a near brush with death during the September 11 attacks, a bout with SARS while in China during the 2002-2004 pandemic, and one of the largest forest fires in history that nearly took his home.  

The Other Side of the Equation
The Other Side of the Equation

The pandemic may be over, but what about the damage it caused? Many are suffering from quality of life issues arising from the pandemic. This sequel to "Like a Deer in the Headlights" deals with the origin of Covid-19 and the management of post-acute sequelae SARS-CoV-2, commonly known as Long Covid.

Featured Articles

Contemporary news and op-eds written by Arnie Suntag and published in Advent Messenger and on various other platforms.
For more articles by Arnie Suntag visit Advent Messenger by clicking HERE.  
The Foxes Guarding the Henhouse

The Foxes Guarding the Henhouse

Instead of making efforts to ameliorate the pain and suffering experienced by millions of disillusioned Seventh-day Adventists who lost jobs, homes, marriages, and even the lives of loved ones because of poor judgment and collusion by the General Conference during the pandemic, church leaders and “household names” on the speaking circuit are jumping on the bandwagon to attack Dr. Conrad Vine like a school of piranhas... Read more..

The Shot Heard Round the Adventist World

The Shot Heard Round the Adventist World

The controversy surrounding Pastor Stephen Bohr’s cancellation of Dr. Conrad Vine’s appearance at a Secrets Unsealed symposium is just another example of how woke ideology has created division in our church, as well as in our society at large. During the 1980’s, Yuri Bezmenov, a KGB informant who defected to Canada, tried to warn America about a stratagem known as demoralization – an insidious.... Read more..

The Great Adventist Controversy

The Great Adventist Controversy

There is a widening political gap in our church that parallels what is happening throughout the nation, and by virtue of the apostasy that has imbued the General Conference leadership with a papal spirit, the organization has now taken a giant leap into the abyss. It happened when Ganoune Diop gave a landmark speech that proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that our leadership is beholden to papal..... Read more..

The Final Coffin Nail for Adventist Education

The Final Coffin Nail for Adventist Education

The Bible admonishes us that a time will come when we forsake our foundational principles for the approval of worldly authorities and powers: “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils” (1 Timothy 4:1). As unpalatable as my perspective may be to some, this is the story of Adventist education. While many.... Read more..

The Alarm that Never Sounded
The Alarm that Never Sounded

Things are not always what they seem. This expression, dating back to ancient Rome and the words of Gaius Julius Phaedrus, although historically an axiom and a commonly used phrase in the vernacular, no longer seems to resonate with those living in the world today. I say that almost derisively, because many in the world....Read more..

The Lie that Conquered the World
The Lie that Conquered the World

We are in the midst of perhaps the most aggressive movement in modern history to disparage and suppress the truth, right along with those who fervently advocate for it. Whether it is through critical theory, neurolinguistics, or fundamental Marxist philosophy, our society is subtly and surreptitiously being transformed... Read more..

The Troubled History of Hawaii and the Lahaina Fire Cover-up
The Troubled History of Hawaii and the Lahaina Fire Cover-up

There are few who have not heard about the catastrophic fire in Hawaii. The Lahaina fire has been characterized as the deadliest in the United States in over a century. The graphic images and heartbreaking personal accounts are being unceasingly echoed throughout mainstream media. Along with this.... Read more..

The Dark Side of Church Leadership and the End of Conservative Adventism
The Dark Side of Church Leadership and the End of Conservative Adventism

It seems that Seventh-day Adventists throughout the world today are becoming more and more disillusioned with their leadership and disappointed in the direction in which the church is headed. There is good reason for this. Over the past few years.... Read more..

America on the Precipice

During the past several years, the country many of us once knew was turned upside down. How did this happen? Who or what is responsible? Although there are those who believe things will eventually return to “normal,” there is a storm brewing on the horizon that threatens to potentially compromise the lives of every American. This three-part documentary series takes you behind the scenes to reveal what is really happening in America and why it is ultimately not going to get any better regardless of which political party you support or who you voted for in the last election.

America on the Precipice - Part 1

Over the past few years we have witnessed a radical shift in ideology that has split the nation into two opposing factions. How did this happen? Is there a strategy behind it? A brief glimpse into American history reveals the sobering evidence that we have been down this road before. The old adage, “it can never happen here” has already proven to be nothing more than wishful thinking.

America on the Precipice - Part 2

The widespread sociological changes in America that have turned the country upside down seem to have originated from a distinctively global influencer. Some have tied these changes to Bible prophecy, and personalities such as Glenn Beck and Tucker Carlson have associated them with the Mark of the Beast. But, who or what actually is the Beast, and what role did this person or entity play in the toppling of American ideology?

America on the Precipice - Part 3

For decades we have heard so-called conspiracy theorists talk about a one world government and a one world religion. This has only been fomented by the specter of CBDCs and digital passports. But, are these concepts really far-fetched, or are they an historical reality with ominous modern-day implications? With the societal rift that has formed in America over the past several years and the civil unrest it has caused, are we actually headed toward a revolution?

The Great Health Controversy

This eye-opening five-part lecture series is designed to raise consciousness about how to stay well in world mired down in chronic disease, cancers, and other serious health challenges. Most today do not realize the implications that poor dietary and lifestyle practices have in the development of disease, and how these practices have created the sickest generation in human history. The series, consisting of PowerPoints originally presented via Zoom, will help those who are open to making changes in their lives to overcome chronic disease and to prevent the cancers that have placed many of our loved ones at risk for adverse health outcomes. Covering everything from the history of food in America and how we descended into mass illness, to Long Covid and other troubling pathologies that have emerged, this series presents lucid, well-documented information to help avoid the health consequences that are ravaging our world today. 

History of Food

The Plague that Quietly Poisoned America

We have become the sickest generation in human history. Chronic disease and deaths from cancer and cardiovascular issues are rampant. How did this happen in a country as technologically advanced as America? What is the real story behind this overwhelming paradox? Why are millions engaging daily in practices that are nothing short of slow suicide? Watch this revealing presentation about the historic saga behind this American nightmare and you will discover how it is happening and why, if the course of this societal trend is not reversed, it will surely be the death knell for its victims.

Great Health Illusion

The Pied Piper of Pharmakeia and
the Indoctrination of Millions

Most Americans living today look to the medical profession and the pharmaceutical industry with unwavering allegiance for answers to their ills. But there is a dark side to the diagnostic procedures and treatments offered by conventional medicine that few know about or care to even understand. They merely trust the hype that urges them to “follow the science.” It is for this very reason that millions are being led down a primrose path that ends with disease proliferation and even death. If there was ever a time to critically evaluate the choices we make in healthcare, it is right now. Watch this presentation to learn how you can avoid the mistakes that millions are making every single day.


The Frankenstein Factor and Dietary Ignorance

For decades, the food industry has been tampering with the very genetic fabric of the food we eat in an effort to be more profitable, without a true regard for health and safety. As a result, millions are buying foods that have been altered on a molecular level leaving them vulnerable to disease, including conditions we have never seen before. This is due to a mindset that is reckless and downright dangerous. While most worry about the fuel they pump into their cars, few concern themselves about the fuel they put into their bodies. Even the “purists” who claim to follow a healthy plant-based diet will often consume virtually anything – as long it is “vegan.” This presentation endeavors to separate the wheat from the chaff by giving those who have been misled through clever industry marketing a fighting chance to avoid these perilous pitfalls.

Environmental Factors

The Serious Hazards Lurking Right Under Your Nose

While many concern themselves about developing cancers or other serious diseases, they fail to consider the dangers that lurk right in their own homes. After all, how could a living room sofa or the fragrances we spray on our bodies cause any harm to our health? There are literally thousands of chemicals in the environment, many of which are carcinogenic (cancer-causing) or endocrine-disrupting (affecting the thyroid and other glands). Unfortunately, many of these can be found in the products we surround ourselves with in our homes and workplaces or use for personal hygiene on a regular basis. Too many of us discount the dangers inherent in these often seemingly harmless products, but the truth is that they may very well be the root cause of our maladies and can ultimately take our lives. Watch this presentation to find out just how much you may have overlooked in your efforts to live healthfully, and what you can actually do about it.

Viruses and Cancer

How History Repeating Itself is Killing Millions

Over the decades we have uncovered a link between viruses and cancer that originated with the once highly publicized polio vaccine. More recently, the introduction of new pathogens purportedly created through gain-of-function research has only exacerbated an already serious health threat. Few in our country today realize that recovery from a respiratory illness such as Covid-19, or the immunization touted to prevent it, may not be the end-all just because there are no major symptoms. Between the vaccine, the virus itself, and Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 (PASC) or Long Covid, the risk of various cancers and autoimmune disorders has been elevated to a level unprecedented in human history. This presentation introduces the startling polio story and its sinister implications, along with the association between the polio vaccine, SARS-CoV-2, and cancer. There is hope in preventing the adverse outcomes that many are facing today, but it begins with understanding the important information contained in this presentation.

Team Praying


Since its inception, the support for our work at Walk of Faith Media has come primarily out of our own pockets.  We are still self-funded at this time.  While we sure  appreciate any contributions we receive, we cannot accept donations as we do not have 501c3 status at the present time and cannot offer tax deductions.  Until this changes, we ask merely for your prayers as we go forward in faith with whatever resources the Lord provides.  Thank you so much for your prayers.  God bless you.  

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PO Box 4124 Bisbee, Arizona 85603

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9:00am - 5:00pm Pacific Time

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